Chancellon Falknor

Chance is the vaguely spoiled child of falling English nobility. He's easily susceptable to illness--why, we're not entirely sure, but some good ol' high English inbreeding probably has something to do with it. His sickliness doesn't fit in well with his average-teenage enthusiasm in everything from girls to sailing the ocean blue. Led on by newspaper-fired nonconformity and an industrial-age concept of Just Causes and The Truth, he would like to pick a few fights with English Parliament, only one of his many ideas that only really work in theory.

And by his health and general life philosophy, he doesn't sit well with being possessed by a demon from what he's sure to be Hell (these people don't like to listen to demons insisting that really, they're only from Sheol, which is really different). And by gum, he's going to try to do something about it. Viva le revolution, God save the King, and really bad eggs. That sort of thing.

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