Nokiaru Javert Wong

Nokiaru was born in a quiet village on the border of Hong Kong to very confused Chinese parents--well, wouldn't you be if your kid ended up with blonde hair and otherwise Arabic features? Regardless, his dear mother did her best to raise him with some good TLC. It didn't work.

Sometime in his childhood, the Japanese rode over on a boat to finish stealing their writing system and maybe enslave some people. This short but strong exposure to the new culture positively convinced him that he really ought to be a Japanese person, and has been under that idea for quite some time now. To some people's surprise, he became the ancestor of quite a lot of today's blonde anime characters. At least, that's what we all think--in no other way could we excuse so many clearly Caucasian former-Christians claiming to be Japanese in all them yaoi comics.

In his free time he likes to hide behind statues of George IV and chase M'emo.
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